Mind * Body * Spirit & Business Transformation

This Program has ended. Contact Jill to find out when the next one will begin or visit Jill’s new consulting website to learn more about one-on-one transformative consulting.


Transform Yourself and Your Business Forever:
7 Week Online Program With Jill Whalen

Propel yourself and your business forward while achieving deep-rooted, lifelong transformation.

Have you been flitting from course to course hoping to find the secret to lasting transformation in all aspects of your life?

Join Jill Whalen on a 7 week online journey that will provide you with the knowledge you’ve been seeking to create the life you’ve been trying to attract–permanently!

Whether you’ve been attempting to launch your coaching business, gain more clients for your existing practice, or “just” want to transform your personal life, Jill has the proven knowledge, skills and information to make it happen–just as it did for her.

In this online program you’ll learn how to see life from the inside out–as it actually is. Armed with this understanding, you will be better equipped to begin transforming your own reality the same way Jill has over the past year and a half.

Plus, unlike most personal transformation courses, you’ll receive the benefit of Jill’s 20 years of online marketing experience to provide you with the business strategies you need to take yours to the next level. Jill’s no-nonsense approach to marketing is world-renowned and has helped companies of all sizes to become leaders in their space, gain new clients and customers and make more sales. The best part is that there are no tricks to learn or trying to copy what others do. Because every person and business is different, you’ll learn how to build your online presence in a way that represents your unique capabilities and talents.

Why focus on both personal AND business transformation?

Because all business is personal in nature. We do business with those we like and trust. If something is stopping you from being the best you can be, then it’s likely stopping your business from being the best it can be as well.

By combining Jill’s new insights into the nature of life, her own mega personal transformation along with her business acumen you’ll have access to a powerful combination like no other. And just like she shared her SEO knowledge with hundreds of thousands of people in the past, she will share all of her new information with you–no holds barred.

The epiphanies you will have during this 7 week program and beyond will provide you with ways to better cope in all areas of your life including weight loss, relationships, money problems, addictions, health and more.

This program is geared towards anyone with a small business or practice who wants more out of life and their business.

Not sure yet? Please have a listen to this audio interview of Jill talking about healthy living, spirituality, website marketing, business success and lots more.

The interview was done in late October before this 7 week transformation program was ever even a glimmer in Jill’s eye, yet it goes into everything that the program will be covering!

A note from Jill:

Okay, enough with the marketing speak! Let me talk straight from my heart:

It occurred to me recently that there are way too many self-help junkies out there that can’t seem to stop signing up for courses, programs, retreats, or whatever. And sadly, those people are ripe for the picking by the numerous personal development and internet marketing hucksters out there. If that weren’t bad enough, much of the information they’re receiving is just plain wrong–both on a personal level and a business one.

For instance, have you been in a course that at some point that told you to copy what others who are successful do? Sure you have. But that advice is not only dumb, it’s just plain wrong. You should never, ever copy what others do, regardless of how well it works for them. Everybody’s situation is unique. There’s never a one size fits all way of transforming your business or your life. And god knows how many other silly things they’ve taught you that don’t work. (I’m sure you would know better than I do!)

It’s no wonder that you’re having trouble finding lasting transformation and/or keeping up the momentum with your business.

There is just too much confusing, contradictory and outright bad info out there.

I saw this over and over again when I was an SEO consultant. (And for those who don’t know me, please note that while I don’t like to toot my own horn, I wasn’t just a consultant, but one of the most widely respected in the industry–look me up on Google!) There are shady people in all areas of business (and life) who try to take advantage of those who don’t know better. This is true of the internet marketing industry as well as the self-improvement industry. Anyone who knows me and my work knows that is not the way I operate.

My goal throughout my 20-year career has always been to use my knowledge and skills to help others.

I’ve spent the last year and a half transforming myself, through reading, learning, listening, sifting through and actually implementing the very best of the information I’ve found.  In fact, you could say that I live in a completely new reality than I used to. After all this “time off” I’m now ready to share what I’ve learned with you on a personal level.

What This 7 Week Program Will Entail

First you will receive an in-depth questionnaire so that I can learn exactly what you personally want to get out of the program. Your answers will enable me to tailor what we do each week towards what will be most beneficial to the group as a whole.

On the personal front, you’ll learn how to permanently change your mind, body and spirit to be more inline with your true self. You’ll learn how to get over your worst fears and addictions, almost like magic!

On the business side of things, I’ll help you clarify your message and showcase yourself as the superstar that you truly are. I’ll show you how to get that message out in the world to the people who are looking for what you have to offer. Plus, I’ll roll up my sleeves and show you how to geek out on your website to fix all those niggling tech issues you’ve been struggling with for just about ever.

We will have weekly videos and phone conversations on whatever is most beneficial to the group members as a whole.  Possible topics of conversation include:

  • How life doesn’t happen to you, but from within you, and how this understanding can solve unlimited problems
  • How your thoughts are keeping you from moving forward with your life and/or your business
  • How you really can and do create your own reality <–Watch this video now!
  • The latest nutrition advice to help you get and stay healthy
  • Why you do the destructive things you do
  • The surprising role fear plays in your life
  • That happiness and health is your default setting
  • How so much of life is one big addiction and how to change it
  • How to clarify what you want to do with your life and/or business
  • Fitness tips and tricks that I’ve personally used to lose my 25 lbs. and keep it off
  • How to better structure your website for your target audience
  • How to get the word out about what you do
  • Whatever else is on your mind

Does this sound like something you’re interested in?

The exact program outline will depend on the needs of the group, but here are the basics of what you’ll receive:

  • 7 custom videos  (1 each week) on a topic of interest to the group as a whole.
  • 7 recorded group phone chats (1 each week).
  • A private Facebook group to have further discussions. I will personally be leading the group, poking and prodding, as well as asking and answering questions.
  • Bonus exclusive “Masterclass” with Born Happy‘s Lian Brook-Tyler on “Unleashing Your Limitless, Unique Potential.”
  • The option for a private one-on-one consultation with me to look at and provide specific advice on personal issues, your website, your business and any other issues that may come up. (This will likely entail an additional fee.)

How Much?

Here’s the best part. Because  this is my first time offering  a program such as this, I am experimenting with a new way to price it.

As a little background, when I was consulting through High Rankings I was charging $850/person for a 1-day in-person seminar. I was also charging $3500+ for a written website audit review. Basically, I was making over $300/hour for any consulting work I did. And I was turning away clients.

I realize that those prices may be unrealistic for the target market who will benefit most from this course. Therefore, I’m going to let you decide what you want to pay, i.e., what you think it will be worth to you. I’m instituting a minimum fee of $50 so that everyone who joins has a vested interest in participating. However, I can guarantee that the program will be worth much, much more. Based on what I’ve seen others pricing programs of this nature (and again, you may know what others are charging better than I do), if I were going to price it realistically given the amount of time and effort I’ll be putting into it and the benefit participants will be getting out of it, I’d probably pick somewhere in $500-$1000 range. But I’ll let you decide what you think is fair.

If you’re ready to sign up, you can make your payment below via Paypal, after which I’ll get back to you ASAP with the questionnaire. The program will begin in the second week of January, 2015. (Please keep in mind that as the program gets closer it’s possible that I might raise the minimum payment amount. Any previous payments will of course be honored.)

If you know you can afford to give more than the minimum, please consider doing so as it helps subsidize those who definitely cannot!

And if you’re not sure you want to join us yet, no problem. Please feel free to check out the rest of this website to learn more about me and my own transformation. And you may want to also have a look at my former business website and information over at High Rankings. (There is a ton of amazing free SEO info in the archives there that is still absolutely useful today!)

Whether you're looking for support and additional tips for your own transformational journey in life or just feel like saying hi, feel free to contact me directly via the form below:

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