Category: Spiritual Teachings

What is The Energy Behind Life?

[Jill’s Note: If you prefer to listen rather than read, please scroll to the bottom of this post for the audio version.] I grew up without any religion. While my parents are Jewish by birth, other than eating deli and…

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Seeing Our True Self and That of Others Underneath Our Ego Slime

[Jill’s Note: If you prefer to listen rather than read, please scroll to the bottom of this post for the audio version.] When I graduated college way back in the olden days of 1983, I landed a job with Prime…

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How I Realized That Thoughts Create Feelings

[Jill’s Note: If you prefer to listen rather than read, please scroll to the bottom of this post for the audio version.] A few months ago I finally grasped a concept that I had been grappling with for quite some…

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Getting Caught Up With One’s Thoughts in Business Situations

Recently, a friend who has a small consulting firm called me for some advice about a business situation. He told me of a client who had signed off on a proposal and was ready to move forward with his services….

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Wipe Each Day’s Slate Clean of Judgment

Inevitably when interacting with people, they will say or do things you may not like. Your feelings about the situation are essentially judgments about the people involved. Each judgement you make contributes to the way you think (and therefore feel) about them. For whatever reason, our ego…

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Savory Mug Muffins, A Course in Miracles, Drop Dead Diva

Hey everyone! Here’s what I learned last week: Monday, Mar. 31, 2014 How to make the mug muffins I learned about last week into savory ones: I first sauteed some mushroom, onion, spinach, and uncured turkey bacon (which appeared to…

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Lentils, Lifting People Up, Codfish Cakes, Thanking The Universe

Last week I had some delicious healthy food (ate out at both a vegetarian Indian restaurant and a Moroccan one (not vegetarian),  as well as some interesting insights. Here’s some of what I learned: Monday, Mar. 24, 2014 Lentils are…

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Yoga Code, Your Real Self, Manifesting Calls and Recipes, Dumb Keno

Here’s what I learned last week: Monday March 17, 2014 If you start a Meetup group and don’t pay right away, you’ll likely get a 50% off coupon in your email the next day! (I started a local group to…

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Wearable Cameras, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Chickpea Cookies and Beading!

What I Learned Last Week (Jan. 6 – Jan. 12, 2014) By Jill Whalen Last week was definitely an interesting week of learning for me. Something that I’ve come to realize, not just this week but since I embarked on my…

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Filet Mignon, Hangovers, Siddhartha and Skepticism

What I Learned Last Week (12/23/2013 – 12/29/2013 ) As you’ll see below, it’s a good thing we don’t do anything for Christmas day! Monday, Dec. 23, 2013 How to cook filet mignon. Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for…

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