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How to Recognize and Listen to Your Inner Voice


Posted by Jill Whalen | Posted in Meditation, Spirituality, Yoga | Posted on 22-11-2013

[Jill’s Note: If you prefer to listen rather than read, please scroll to the bottom of this post for the audio version.]

Whether you call it your inner voice, inner guide, spiritual guide, conscious mind or something altogether different, how do you know what it is and if you are actually hearing it correctly (or at all)?

 Photo Credit: RelaxingMusic

Photo Credit: RelaxingMusic

Not too long ago, I was wondering exactly that. Even though I had made a huge life-changing decision that I attributed to listening to my inner guide, I couldn’t tell you how I knew it was that for sure.  My guidance was more of a gut feeling than a voice or words. You could also characterize it as an epiphany or an “aha moment.” Even though it was a feeling, I recognized it as my inner guide speaking to me because of the rightness of it. That is, when I thought of doing what it was telling me I needed to do, I knew it was the correct thing even though it seemed pretty crazy. Read the rest of this entry »