Category: Food

Compassion, Sledding, Baking and Having Fun!

By Jill Whalen What I Learned Last Week (12/16/2013 – 12/22/2013) When I’m not doing something physically active or cooking, I spend a lot of my time reading and listening to educational/inspirational videos. In order to try to remember a bit…

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Cooking Pumpkins and Making Pumpkin Seed Butter

I’ve been eating a LOT of winter squash lately and have been enjoying trying lots of different varieties.  While  spaghetti squash seems to have its own unique characteristics and texture, I found that butternut, buttercup, acorn and the like, seem to taste…

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My Misadventures Opening a Spaghetti Squash

By Jill Whalen I truly wish someone was video recording me while I was trying to slice a spaghetti squash in half. But I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal! I’ve sliced plenty of other types of…

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